Are you ready to Dance Fight!?
This is a track with a bit of history behind it, actually. I had recently rewatched the famous Jean Claude Van Dance scene in Kickboxer. You know the one…

That dance, of course, ended up turning into a fight on the dance floor.

So it got me thinking about all the times that I’ve seen seen this sort of thing happen in a movie before. A dance scene that turns into a “dance fight”. That is as opposed to a “dance battle”, which is what you see in a movie like You Got Served. I mean like an actual fight on the dancefloor. For instance…
Airplane had a fight that turned into a dance, that turned into a stabbing, that inspired a dance move, that turned into an epic disco duet, that eventually turned back into a fight.
Zoolander had a break dance fight between the model who is so hot right now and an evil DJ.
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle had a scene where a character needed to dance fight her way past armed guards. I’m sure I’m missing plenty of others.
It also reminded me of a story told by fellow wrestling team member back in High School, of how he was there to witness the most epic brawl between rival wrestling teams that happened at a club during 17 and under night. Members of the two teams were on the dance floor doing their thing, the two team captains bumped into each other. What followed were, in his words, “some of the sickest takedowns he’d ever seen”. As both teams started using their wrestling moves against each other mid dancerfloor, with the music still pumping. One of the guys event pulled off a “granby roll”. Anyone who’s wrestled in high school could probably attest to how sick it would be to pull that off on a dance floor.
So it got me thinking, there needs to be a song dedicated for this exact kind of occasion. Because while it might be cool to see people dropping kicks to the Beegees or Big Mountain or Herbie Hancock, I figured the world needed a dance fight song for dance fighting itself. So I pulled out my newly purchased TT-303 that I been itching to use on a track and I put together the bassline you hear on this track.
Of course, I advise all those listening to use caution when getting their dance fight on to this track, as the people who dance fight in movies are trained professionals and the seniors that brawled in that club were f*cking legends. Still, if there seems to be trouble brewing on the dance floor and things are about to go down, I’d humbly ask all DJs to be ready to “SPIN THIS SHIT!”
Dance Fight Me is available on Bandcamp on March 3, 2021 (303 day for those in the know)
Launching on all other platforms on March 26, 2021. Be sure to show your dance fight moves in a TikTok or IG Reels to this track!